Current News and Projects
Gilliam County has several mitigation projects taking place. Read about new projects here!
The City of Arlington received a Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant from Oregon State Fire Marshal in 2023. This grant covers wildfire mitigation activities until March 2026 and included funding for a dump trailer for removing wildfire debris and aiding community clean up days, funding for the City to administer a Micro-Grant program to residents of Arlington, funding for prescribed grazing in high risk areas throughout the City, a wildfire risk reduction tool inventory and funding to support community clean up days, including purchasing clean up supplies and incentives.
Gilliam County Fire Services received a Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant from Oregon State Fire Marshal in 2023. This grant provides funding for Community Cleanup Days in Arlington, Condon and Lonerock. It also provided funding for a part time position at Fire Services for a Fire Resiliency Coordinator. The Fire Resliency Coordinator provides fire mitigation outreach and assistance throughout the county, and is responsible for completing projects out of the Gilliam County Wildfire Protection Plan and the Gilliam County Vegetation Management Plan. They also provide wildfire-related grant writing assistance to Arlington, Condon, Lonerock, North Gilliam County Rural Fire Protection District and South Gilliam County Rural Fire Protection District.